Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a day...

Very few of you know this, but last Monday (April 28th) I had to have a repeat mammogram done. Tuesday, as I was driving to my dentist's office to have my teeth okayed for surgery, I got the dreaded call from Dr. Cooper telling me I needed the next available appointment for a biopsy. What an incredibly hollow feeling that produced. Dr. Barnett squeezed me in the next day and was wonderful at calming our fears. We wouldn't know the pathology until today.
Today arrived. What a day it has been. My position at work was RIFed due to budget cuts (I will have a regular classroom next year.) For any Banneker parents reading this, don't worry, the district has a plan for meeting the needs of gifted students in the elementary schools. It was a truely emotional day, as I have put my heart and soul into creating a gifted program to be proud of. I am very sad to give it up. But here is the good news - the pathology results were fine. (Thank you, God!) I cried many tears today, not just for my position, but more for feeling like too much is out of my control at the moment. (Any of you who know me well, know that I need to feel in control - okay, we'll say I'm a bit of a control freak.) With so many things feeling up in the air, it's quite overwhelming at the moment. Now, as I look back on the previous week, I can see that it's time to shake off the blues and focus on my blessings. I have a job, I don't have breast cancer, and I have a lot of people showing me so much care and support. My family and friends are my greatest blessings. Thank you to all of you for keeping me going. Tomorrow is another day and it's sure to be better!


Anonymous said...

Please remember that GOD never gives us more than we can handle with HIS help .
I realized this after I read what's on Aunt Verna's stone in Iselin. It says "THY will be done."
So I remember that every time I pray to the first HEALER..for you and others on my prayer list.
Have confidence in our Lord,

Mel said...

Absolutely crazy times around school, huh? I am so sorry to hear about AT because you have done so much with the program and I was hoping one day Dylan would have the privilege of being with you. The great thing though is that you have a job and we may be able to be on the same team!! Hooray for the good new mammogram. God definitely knew it was time for a break and he delivered. See you tomorrow.

Joyce said...

Thank you Janice and Melissa. God, family and friends are definitely delivering me through this difficult walk. I know there are so many people going through so much worse than me. It will all be okay.

Anonymous said...


;_; Enjoyed being with you.